Saturday, November 15, 2008


Can you guys please help? Comment,please.
I don't know. I'm just totally lost right now. If I was an emotional jerk, I would say this...
"I need someone to think of. To know. To help me... I need my other half of my soul."
I have these dudes that I think are nice, polite... etc.... But they're not cute or anything.
It's just. Sad. I'm so troubled. Sigh. I can't believe I'm crying :(
Taken from Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer:

And, as the anger began to fade, I felt something else. It took me a minute to recognize why I was staring down again, the blush returning-why my stomach felt uneasy,, why there was too much moisture in my eyes, why I suddenly wanted to run from the room. Rejection washed through me, instinctive and strong.

Yeah, life sucks.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Jesse McCartney?

Remember him? Hmm? That guy that sang "Beautiful Soul." Yeah, that guy. This guy..

Yeah. I remember him.. Whoo! That's a long time, dudes. He's not really famous anymore. Well, to us he isn't. I don't know about you, but he seemed to have disappear. Of course, we still remember him, but he ain't real famous anymore. And catch this. He was Jojo in Horton Hears A Who! Like Nathan would say... "Harsh, dude." Yeah. Harsh. He was also Theodore in Alvin and the Chipmunks. WOW-Y! No offense, Jesse, but dude... what's gotten into you? Check this out! I'll be back to tell ya more, K, peeps?

~Twilite 11 Peace out!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Okk... then...

Just to clarify everything.. my virtual name is...........
TWILITE11. ahahaha
Twilight is a rocking series for young adults... haha I'm still 10 (turning 11 on the 24th! yeah!) so i might be a bit too young to read it... oh yeah, I love Alice! She rocks.. dudes!
I finished Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, and I read some of Midnight Sun on SM*'s website(find her website here.) OK. Oh yeah, SSAT SUCKS! yeah.. my moms distracted for now.... can play for five more minutes? hopefully.
*cough cough* i'm sick :P okkk wwait... brb
I'm back *cough* ahhem... someones spamming on msn (ahhem Jonathan...)--he's like 15 but hes soooooo majorly pesty... what a spaammer...
AHH! I'm using terrible short forms, being off topic... Sigh, sigh, sigh. What happened to the old, ON-TOPIC Twilite11? Huh?? Who's she again? I forgot O.o. EEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW! My cuzzin farted on my flute!!!!!! (Oh yeah, its the cousin Dixonn... Major pest alert!) He's 13. And a major pest!
EEWW. how many beans did he eat?
Aw.... Soo grossed out :(
Peace out dudes!
Off Topic Twilite11

SM= Stephenie Meyer


I haven't wrote for a while :o
You must be shocked... lol.
I have to study for my dumb SSAT (secondary school admission test)... and Tiff's done. Lucky her... good luck 4 yur score, Tiffany!
I dont think anybody reads this... so...
if you do, leave a comment! Yeah. That might influence me to write more? Who knows ^_^
My heart♥ feels empty. Like someone just slipped out of it. Yeah, someone did. Pooor heart♥.
Wahaaha.. :'( I"m crying...

Monday, June 30, 2008


Looks like another Pixar movie has rocked the charts! I watched Kung Fu Panda and it was awesome. I guess I'm gonna have to watch WALL-E, now everyone says it rocks. My pen pal says it does, so I believe him. WALL-E is even better than Wanted, an R rated movie starring Angelina Jolie, hitting $62.5 million to top the weekend box office. Wanted was second, scoring $51.5 million. According to Box Office Mojo stats, WALL-E's opening was the best for a Pixar film since 2004's The Incredibles! (If I sound like a nerd, I got this all from here.) So I'm not a geek. Here's some pictures of the lovable robot. All these pictures belong to Pixar, not me.

Just looking at these pictures make me smile. My local movie theatre has these little cute 3D models of Wall-E, plus a little bench saying "Wall-E." Even there, I knew I had to watch it. And, I just might. I just might...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Review for: Super Mario Galaxy

Remember the post I said about G.D.O.? Well, I took A LOT of pictures on that day, so let me give you a few reviews + some bad quality pictures (lol!) So here's the review of Super Mario Galaxy, written by... you guessed it, ME!
Wait, one more thing before I go on. Do you know how I said I might have updates? I did! So there's a new updated list of friends:

Sunset- Tiffany
Fluffyflo- Florence
Airy- Erica
Carrie- Caroline
Jets (sometimes Soccagal)- Carlie
Lake- Malaika

I AM NOT A LONER! I only have that little friends because I only limited the list to MY class. I have much more friends, in other classes. And these are my BEST,BEST friends. BFFL? You get my point? OK, now for the review...

Super Mario Galaxy is, even though nerve-racking, awesome! The reason it's nerve-racking? Let me explain...
Airy brought over the game "Super Mario Galaxy" to play on my Wii. Icy was player 2 because I was nice enough to let her be the secondary player, and of course Airy was player 1. After Airy and Icy beat more than 5 galaxies, they arrived to the Ray Surfing galaxy, which is the Loop-de-loop galaxy. Airy beat it, breaking barely any sweat. First time, her score was 1:30, and the second time she scored 1:04. Icy and I were bemused, so we decided to try. I went first, playing cautiously. In a few seconds, I fell. Then we lost a life. Of course, since Airy is such a wonderful "Super Mario Galaxy" player, we had 12 lives. One life down. 11 to go. Then, Icy tried. She fell to her doom in five seconds. And so went that way until we had 3 lives left. While Icy and I were trying, Airy was basically watching, coaching, and tediously playing the piano. We begged Airy to beat it for us, or we will lose all the lives, and she beat it. Her score was much better than ours: 1:14. Wow!

OK, I haven't really told you about the nerve-racking part, right? Then I will tell you. Airy and Icy beat the whole universe, scoring another super star. We already had one. Then Airy exclaimed something. "I've never beat this universe before! Wow!"
Man, was I surprised! "You? NOT BEAT IT? You barely broke on all of the galaxies, and you CANNOT beat only one little universe?"
"No. Why? It's very, very hard, you know!? There's 5 super stars. And we only have two!!!"
I gasped. Airy shrugged. So we went to the new galaxies in a new universe, and voila! I am finally at this part! Which part, you're asking? THE NERVE-RACKING PART! The new galaxy was OUTRAGEOUS! Clearly impossible, we used all of our wits, skill, and stamina combined, but... unfortunately, nothing. We lost all our lives in the second galaxy, called the "Rolling Gardens" galaxy. Then game over...

So if you want to buy Super Mario Galaxy, here are the requirements:
  • You don't get sea-sick easily
  • You don't give up easily, either
  • You have wit, skill, and stamina, and just a little bit of luck...
  • And finally, you'll take hours beating the game, so you should have a lot of time on your hands...

I hope you live up to all the requirements, readers! Have a great evening!!!

Pictures are up later!

~Signing off, Friendster :D


OK, most of you probably knwo the song G.N.O. (Girl's Night Out)by Miley Cyrus. Well, if you don't, here's the YouTube video:
Hehe, I hope you like the video :D...
So what's a G.D.O., you ask me? A girls day out! LOL! But just Airy and Icy... just us :P I'll tell you more about today on my next post, because they're begging me to show them my OWL magazines. Alright, peace out!

~Peace out, yo!